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2024 Fantasy Cricket - Live Now!

2024 Fantasy Cricket - Live Now!

Henry Bowen24 Apr - 18:37
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Get your teams in for the 2024 BCC fantasy league - monthly prizes and a prize for podium places!

Back by popular demand for its 7th season, Bedminster CC's annual fantasy league is now accepting teams for the 2024 summer.

Register to play through Teams cost £5 to enter and entrances need to be in by noon on Saturday 4th May to accumulate points for Week 1. You select a team of 11 players for a value of £55m or less and they will score points each Saturday this summer. Players can increase or decrease in value over the season, and you can transfer players in or out. There are unlimited transfers before the start of the season and then max. one free transfer per week (with further transfers costing -20pts)

The full rules, including how points are scored, are listed on the website. Please note that points will only be scored in Saturday, adult league matches for the 1st XI - 5th XI (so excluding 6th XI 30 over league).

This adds an extra dimension to your Saturdays, and fuels most of the chat at the bar after every game! There are prizes for the best team each month and then the rest of the pot is split between the top three players at the end of the season. Get picking!

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